Definition of Square meal

1. Noun. A substantial and nourishing meal. "He seldom got three square meals a day"

Generic synonyms: Meal, Repast

Definition of Square meal

1. Noun. (idiomatic) A satisfying meal, especially suitable for one performing physical labor. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Square Meal

square footage
square footages
square inch
square inches
square kilometer
square kilometers
square kilometre
square kilometres
square knot
square knots
square leg
square leg umpire
square leg umpires
square matrices
square matrix
square meal
square meals
square measure
square meter
square meters
square metre
square metres
square mile
square miles
square nut
square off
square one
square peg in a round hole
square peg into a round hole
square pyramid

Literary usage of Square meal

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. My Sixty Years on the Plains, Trapping, Trading, and Indian Fighting by William Thomas Hamilton (1905)
"A Dismal Camp. Snow-Bound. Glimpse of the Great American Desert. Camp on Carson River. A Pah Ute's square meal. Gratified Squaws and Skinned Beavers. ..."

2. An American Glossary by Richard Hopwood Thornton (1912)
"station," and we were there to try our first " square meal. ... 1869 They wanted what they term in California " a square meal at the Howling Wilderness ..."

3. Our New West: Records of Travel Between the Mississippi River and the by Samuel Bowles (1869)
"... square meal" Feature of Pacific Coast Civilization—The Lumber Wealth and Water and Forest Beauty of Puget's Sound—Victoria and Vancouver's Island—New ..."

4. Our New West: Records of Travel Between the Mississippi River and the by Samuel Bowles (1869)
"... and Olympia— The Forests of Washington—The " square meal" Feature of Pacific Coast Civilization—The Lumber Wealth and Water and Forest Beauty of Puget's ..."

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